Invitation To Join The Creative Community - The Thrive Tribe 😊


Become the founding member! 🎉

Watch the walkthrough video to know how you can join!

Are you a passionate creator? Do you seek to connect with other like-minded creatives, grow your income, and even develop multiple income streams from your creative passion? If so, we invite you to join our new community, The Thrive Tribe.


Our community is set to launch on April 1, 2023, and we couldn't be more excited. This creative community is set in a private setting outside of social media, hosted on the At For Happiness website. We offer three levels of engagement, so you can choose the level that's best for you.

Level 1: The Passionate Creator Connect with creative individuals, share your work, and receive positive vibes and accountability in our supportive and positive mindset-building environment.

Level 2: Business Boosters All the benefits of Level 1, plus monthly marketing training and the opportunity to be featured on our blog and website.

Level 3: Tailored Coaching All the benefits of Levels 1 and 2, plus personalized 1:1 coaching, tailored specifically to your needs in addition to marketing and mindset features.

We are offering beta-pricing for our founding members that is an "offer you can't refuse." And, for those who are unsure, we offer a 30-day free trial on all three levels.

Why Join The Thrive Tribe?

By joining our community, you'll connect with other creatives, learn new skills, and have the opportunity to grow your income streams. Our community is built around four core values:

CONNECT Connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion and can offer support and inspiration along the way.

SHARE Share your work, receive constructive feedback, and celebrate your accomplishments with others.

LEARN Learn new skills, receive expert advice and guidance, and attend monthly Q&A sessions on income generation.

PROSPER Prosper with access to marketing training and personalized coaching that can help you achieve your income goals.


Q: Who is this community for? A: This community is for passionate creators who seek connection, growth, and income generation from their creative work learning the mindset, marketing and boost their personal and professional growth with the united power of the like-minded creative minds :)

Q: How much does it cost to join? A: Our beta-pricing for founding members starts at $7 monthly membership fee and is unbeatable and we offer a 30-day free trial on all three levels. The low cost is the reward for the founding members and is time-limited offer.

Q: How is this community different from others? A: Our community is private, supportive, and built around core values that prioritize connection, sharing, learning, and prospering with Focus on creative approach to building fulfilling life as a creator.


The Thrive Tribe is a community built for passionate creators who seek connection, growth, and income generation from their creative work. Our community is set to launch on April 1, 2023, and we offer three levels of engagement, beta-pricing for founding members, and a 30-day free trial on all three levels.

Join The Thrive Tribe today and start connecting, sharing, learning, and prospering with a supportive and positive group of creatives! Write article about the launch of my community for creative who want to connect and grow. Use following information: You are invited to our new community The Thrive Tribe :)

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